Monday 20 April 2015

HA8 - Review

My review
looking through my weekly planner I have finished just in time.This is a image of my final production log showing i finished everything  by the last week,looking through the production log I have work pretty hard to get this far although I would change the way I approached the assignment I think I pulled through .I think I have stuck to my production log very week keeping in time to the finish.
This is a image of my robot finished.I think I could of done a lot better on the design but I am happy with what I did.also the colours stand out which I like but make it look very abstract this could show weakness for the sidekick.during this assignment I have gathered a lot of experience on modeler and layout I am now able to make more or less anything I would like being able to do this helps me a lot for later assignments because I am confident with these two software's.

 I think I have stuck to my design very well if someone would try to make a model from my design I think it would come out a lot like mine only the colours would be different to fit there own purpose.when they are making it they probably might not need instruction to build it.

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