Monday 20 April 2015

HA8 - Assignment Brief

HA8 - Review

My review
looking through my weekly planner I have finished just in time.This is a image of my final production log showing i finished everything  by the last week,looking through the production log I have work pretty hard to get this far although I would change the way I approached the assignment I think I pulled through .I think I have stuck to my production log very week keeping in time to the finish.
This is a image of my robot finished.I think I could of done a lot better on the design but I am happy with what I did.also the colours stand out which I like but make it look very abstract this could show weakness for the sidekick.during this assignment I have gathered a lot of experience on modeler and layout I am now able to make more or less anything I would like being able to do this helps me a lot for later assignments because I am confident with these two software's.

 I think I have stuck to my design very well if someone would try to make a model from my design I think it would come out a lot like mine only the colours would be different to fit there own purpose.when they are making it they probably might not need instruction to build it.

HA8 - Presentation

sidekick presentation
my sidekicks general purpose is a helper and friend I went for a robot,the sidekicks main attribute is protector.he is very intelligent a vast knowledge of everything encase i am stuck on a subject he is there to help.his bright colours make him more approachable .his movement speeds is 50+MPH and can lift over 3000 pounds this can come in handy if i or someone is in trouble maybe trapped under a car he can rush there and lift the car off them. when talking his move LED's changes colours simultaneously.

HA8 - Production

Production Log

Week 1 research and ideas generation

For the first week of the assignment i did some research on sidekicks finding images to give me an idea of what i want my sidekick to look like ,most of them where robots.

after i had all the images of sidekicks i then gathered traits for my sidekick to have i came up with a mind map full off ideas which goes over abilities,uses contributions,about,ETC.When I had finished picking the traits for my sidekick i chosen a protector basically a bodyguard and fact helper .my sidekick would know all martial arts and knows everything from when the earth began. 

Week 2 - design pack

This is my design pack i designed this in my second week this was not my first design when i drew my first design  the scale of it was off and I was unable to model it of the picture .with this design i was able to model it easily,The whole design was symmetrical.

week 3 -modeling
Firstly I modeled the head from a box and then added to eye sockets using the box tool again and placing them symmetrical on the face.and then I made all the object different colours to distinguish which part is each.

Then I added more parts to the head making sure I knew what parts where what.

When adding the neck and body I had to line it up with the head to make it look ,like the drawing. 

The arms where made out of spheres and cuboids copied and pasted each side to make sure they are the same size that why they look the same colour but are to different objects.

Then I move the model to layout to take pictures from different angles to capture all of the sidekick model.

After I had set the camera positions I just had to press F9 to render the image and come out with the finished product:

week 5 review
My week 5 was mostly writing my review and checking I had all of my work done i talked about maybe doing it again and doing it better.

HA8 - Design Pack

This is my design pack i chose a robot design ,I took inspiration from retro robots and the evil robot from the TV series Futurama but made my one more friendly.I made the joints more visible and added a wheel for quicker movement.the reason I chose this design is to make a new version of robot with a retro style.

HA8 - Ideas Generation

Ideas generation

These are my idea 's for my sidekick i gathered lots of attributes.

HA8 - Research